Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sunday mornings

A last-minute get-together with friends on a Sunday morning is always fun. The four of us usually meet to discuss politics - or whatever random subject Kartik feels the need to discuss - but today we just grabbed coffee/French toast, talked about the exciting four years ahead (college!!), successfully convinced Kartik to go to Princeton, imitated statues, and kidnapped Neha (thanks for being such a good sport!).

Please note: all photographs on here are the property of Kaytee Comee. They may not be used without permission.

Satura Cakes: yummy coffee, gorgeous cakes!

I had a vanilla latte. I love the crackly-looking bubbles that stay on the edge when you've finished.

I made scones - Daniela would be so proud!

David deep in thought.

Neha with a thought-provoking comment.

Watching Kartik and David interact is one of the funniest things ever. See below for proof.

Lots of contemplation in the two photos above.

David pretending to be Harry Potter.

Kartik explaining why he would be vital to a college football team.

Interesting scribble on the bench.

Imitating statues. The statue Neha is standing next to has a plaque that says: "Olympic Wannabes."

Driving home. And saving the environment by not accelerating too quickly (thanks David).

Countdown to photo contest deadline: 10 days.


  1. (In reference to the eighth caption): *David BEING harry potter.

  2. (In reference to the ninth caption): I don't even know why I have to explain...

  3. OMG you guys look like you have the most fun ever!! And gorgeous pictures! And I am VERY proud. ;) Those look delicious.... :D

  4. omg i love these!!! especially the ones with kartik and david ahahahaha
