Friday, May 22, 2009

Negative space

Please note: all photographs on here are the property of Kaytee Comee. They may not be used without permission.

Right now, life is a blur of senior trip, senior prank, baccalaureate, awards assemblies, graduation, and various end-of-the-year parties. It's bittersweet: I'm not quite sure what I'll do without my friends, and I can't get used to the fact that we'll be all so spread out around the country. Maybe unnatural is a better word for it. I'm ready for college, and I'm ready for a change. But I can't imagine not seeing the same familiar faces at school every day, I can't imagine not hanging out in the parking lots and just talking with the guys late at night, I can't imagine not working with the amazing newspaper staffers on last-minute deadline crunches. It's bizarre to think that this school I've called my home for the past eleven years will be 3,000 miles away from me in just a few months. I'll be an alum. Strange.


  1. congratulations on your milestone ! it is a transition to be sure will have an amazing adventure..keep taking the wonderful shots like this one along the way

  2. WAHHHHHHH this makes me so sad =( i love you!

  3. :( we'll miss you guys!
